WE MUST TEACH OUR CHILDREN We must teach our children That man didn’t weave life’s web For he’s just one strand in it So don’t destroy the thread We must teach our children That the ground beneath their feet Is the ashes of our fathers Not something to defeat
We must teach our children That the Earth is rich with lives So they’ll all respect their homeland And that our Mother Earth survives
We must teach our children That what befalls the Earth Befalls the sons of everyone In this land of their birth In this land of their birth
We must teach our children If they do harm to the land They bring harm upon themselves For the soil will turn to sand
We must teach our children Earth does not belong to man For man belongs to Earth And that’s the way this world was planned
We must teach our children That all things do connect And that we’re one big family All things we must protect
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You
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