Giving with gratitude. Giving offers you the short cut to personal success. Have you heard that the quickest way to be abundant is to become the source of someone else’s abundance? Life works in circles. Whatever you give out, comes back to you a thousand folds; it happens without fail. It may not come back from the person you gave to, but it always comes back. Giving is a powerful energy; it energises the giver and the receiver. When you freely give to others, you are subconsciously telling your mind that you are wealthy, you are rich, and you are abundant. You have more, unlimited supply of what others want. This subconscious programming sets the right foundation for your success, because when your subconscious mind knows that you are rich and abundant, it becomes your reality. Always give with humbleness. Always thank the person you give to for offering you an opportunity to offer your kindness. If they are not there needing your help, you would not have had the opportunity to give. When you give out of the purity of love and compassion, you become one step closer to your ultimate success. I went to a parent teacher interview today.
The teacher said to me , “ I have taught many thousands of children. Your child is the only child I have ever known who is so giving, so detached from her personal belongings. She made me cry yesterday.
One of the girls said to her “I wish my mum would buy me a watch like yours.” Your daughter immediately took off her watch and gave it to the girl, “you can have it, Jenny, it looks good on you.” Jenny put the watch onto her wrist and she was overjoyed. “Won’t you get into trouble with your Mum and Dad “Jenny was then concerned.
Your daughter actually gave Jenny a hug and said to her,” No, I never get into trouble with my Mum and Dad. They love me, love me , love me and love me. They will be very happy and thankful that you really like the watch, and you are so happy for having it. So thank you , Jenny, now let ‘s go and play.” Success is not just measured by how much you have and accomplished. It has to be measured first of all by your inner state of joy, abundance, fullness and fulfilment. We have taught our kids from a very young age that they are the richest people in the world. Whenever they give something to someone, we always give them twice as much of what they have given away.
Last week, my son gave his MP4 player to a friend whose parents cannot afford to buy him too many things. I said to my son,”
What would you like me to get you to replace what you have given away.” He replied to me, “ Mum, you don’t have to keep doing this , I am old enough now, I have got what you are trying to teach me. I don’t give because I want something back. I gave the MP4 to Jimmy because he needs it more than I do, that is all. I don’t need anything. So chill….” When a young child put someone else’s need in front of his or her own and freely detach from the need to possess things, their success in life has been set into motion. Love , compassion, and freedom are the foundation in which they are going to make decision from.
When you live your life out of this unshakable inner strength of self confidence, state of abundance, and inner peace, your success is inevitable.

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