Three lizards were resting upside-down sticking to the roof of a room. One of them fell down accidentally. A few seconds later, the other two lizards also fell down. Why? This is a silly question often asked to kids to entertain and enlighten them. The expected funny answer is as follows: The lizard is held tightly to the supporting surface even against gravity by operating the special structure of the palms. On seeing the fall of their friend, the two lizards laughed at him and enjoyed his fall by clapping their hands. This abolished their contact with the roof and they fell down flat!
Crabs captured from water are often transported in open cages. A lid is not needed, as any crab trying to rise to the top to escape will be quickly caught and dragged back to the bottom by the other crabs in the cage.
How do we react when others fall or try to rise? Are we stepping-stones or stumbling-blocks for the progress of others? Jesus taught us the language of love for inter personal relationship, communication and evangelization. Even the blind, the deaf and the mentally retarded can perceive love.
In the book of Genesis, we read that Cain killed his brother. God asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain answered, “I don’t know. Am I supposed to take care of my brother?” (Genesis 4: 8,9.).
Like the Good Samaritan, let us render a helping hand to the helpless people around us. Otherwise we will be cursed like Cain.
Crabs captured from water are often transported in open cages. A lid is not needed, as any crab trying to rise to the top to escape will be quickly caught and dragged back to the bottom by the other crabs in the cage.
How do we react when others fall or try to rise? Are we stepping-stones or stumbling-blocks for the progress of others? Jesus taught us the language of love for inter personal relationship, communication and evangelization. Even the blind, the deaf and the mentally retarded can perceive love.
In the book of Genesis, we read that Cain killed his brother. God asked Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?” Cain answered, “I don’t know. Am I supposed to take care of my brother?” (Genesis 4: 8,9.).
Like the Good Samaritan, let us render a helping hand to the helpless people around us. Otherwise we will be cursed like Cain.

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