Benefits of Garlic :
Liliaceae family, all parts of the pungent, 30-100 cm tall, herbaceous plant. Under the earth, there is a large onion. Whitish-pink flowers. The leaves are long, flat, pointed, and is parallel to the core, surrounded of the body. The onion in a special fragrant volatile oil, sugars, A, B, C and P vitamins. Oil has a substance called alliin.
Benefit : Lowers high blood pressure. Appetite. Respiratory and digestive system kills germs. Influenza, typhoid and diphtheria epidemics, such as the useful. Easier to digest.
Corrects constipation. Intestinal worms can help lower. It cleans the blood. It strengthens the heart muscles. Allows normal kidneys. Emptying water collected in the abdomen and legs will help. Beneficial for rheumatism and joint inflammation. Prevents Hardening of the arteries. Reduces fever. Pile and piles Sight useful. Used in poisoning. Urine stiffness resolves. Sting poisonous animals are also helpful. It also helps prolong the hair.
Benefit : Lowers high blood pressure. Appetite. Respiratory and digestive system kills germs. Influenza, typhoid and diphtheria epidemics, such as the useful. Easier to digest.
Corrects constipation. Intestinal worms can help lower. It cleans the blood. It strengthens the heart muscles. Allows normal kidneys. Emptying water collected in the abdomen and legs will help. Beneficial for rheumatism and joint inflammation. Prevents Hardening of the arteries. Reduces fever. Pile and piles Sight useful. Used in poisoning. Urine stiffness resolves. Sting poisonous animals are also helpful. It also helps prolong the hair.

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