

Try and be Good Yourself than Bad Someone Else

Rabbi Zuya wanted to discover the mysteries of life. He therefore resolved to imitate the life of Moses.

For years, he tried to behave like the prophet – without ever achieving the results he hoped for. One night, tired of so much study, he fell into a deep sleep.

God appeared in his dream:

- Why are you so upset, my son? – He asked.

- My days on Earth will end, and I am still so far from being like Moses – answered Zuya.

- If I needed another Moses, I’d have already created him – said God. – When you come before me for judgment, I will not ask whether you were a good Moses, but who you were. Try and be a good Zuya.
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Everything Is Not True..

Nasrudin decided to go in search of some new meditation techniques. He saddled his donkey, went to India, China and Mongolia, talked to the great masters, but found nothing.

He heard tell of a wise man in Nepal: he journeyed there, but as he was climbing the mountain to meet him, his donkey died of exhaustion. Nasrudin buried him there and then, and wept sadly. Someone passed by and commented:

- You came in search of a saint, this must be his tomb and you are lamenting his death.

- No, this is the place where I buried my donkey, who died of exhaustion.

- I don’t believe it – said the new arrival. – No one weeps over a dead donkey. This must be a place where miracles occur, and you want to keep them for yourself.

Although Nasrudin explained again and again, it was no use. The man went to the next village and spread the story of a great master who cured people at his tomb, and soon the pilgrims began to arrive.

Gradually, news of the discovery of the Wise Man of Silent Mourning spread throughout Nepal – and crowds rushed to the place. A wealthy man came, thought his prayers had been answered, and built an imposing monument where Nasrudin had buried his “master”.

In view of everything, Nasrudin decided to leave things as they were. But he learned once and for all, that when someone wants to believe a lie, no one can convince him otherwise.
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Life is Really Funny....

A disciple asked Hejasi:

- I want to know what is the most funny thing about human beings.

Hejasi said:

- That they always think crooked: they’re in a hurry to grow, then lament their lost childhood, and soon loose the money they need to keep their health.

“They are so anxious about the future, that they neglect the present, and thus live in neither the present nor the future.

“They live as if they were never going to die, and die as if they had never lived.”

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Why To Read And Share Stories??

Elie Wiesel recalls that the great Rabbi Israel Shem Tov, when he saw that the Jews were being mistreated, went into the forest, lit a holy fire, and said a special prayer, asking God to protect his people. And God sent him a miracle.

Later, his disciple Maggid de Mezritch, following in his master’s footsteps, would go to the same part of the forest and say: “Master of the Universe, I do not know how to light the holy fire, but I do know the special prayer; hear me, please!” The miracle always came about.

A generation passed, and Rabbi Moshe-leib of Sasov, when he saw how his people were persecuted, went to the forest, saying: “I don’t know how to light the holy fire, nor do I know the special prayer, but I still remember the place. Help us, Lord!” And the Lord helped.

Fifty years later, Rabbi Israel de Rizhin, in his wheelchair, spoke to God: “I don’t know how to light the holy fire, nor the prayer, and I can’t even find the place in the forest. All I can do is tell this story, and hope God hears me.”

And telling the story was enough for the danger to pass; according to Wiesel, God created man because He adores stories.

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This Will Pass

The Sufi tradition tells the story of a king who was surrounded by wise men. One morning, as they talked, the king was quieter than usual.

"What is wrong, Your Highness?" – asked one of the wise men.

"I’m confused," replied the king. "At times I am overcome by melancholy, and feel powerless to fulfill my duties. At others, I am dizzy with all power I have. I’d like a talisman to help me be at peace with myself."

The wise men – surprised by such a request – spent long months in discussion. In the end, they went to the king with a gift.

"We have engraved magic words on the talisman. Read them out loud whenever you are too confident, or very sad," they said.

The king looked at the object he had ordered. It was a simple silver and gold ring, but with an inscription:

"This will pass."

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How to Tackle the Insults

In a kingdom of Arabia lived a queen called Layla. Her wisdom illuminated the land like the sun, her beauty blinded men, and her wealth was greater than any of her subjects.

One morning, her chief advisor asked to see her, and said:

- Great queen Layla! You are the wisest, most beautiful and wealthiest women in the world. But I have heard unpleasant things; some people laugh at or complain about your decisions. Why, in spite of all you have done for your subjects, are they still not content?

The queen laughed and replied:

- Loyal advisor, you know how much I have done for my kingdom. Seven regions are under my control, and all of them have enjoyed peace and prosperity. In all the towns, the decisions of my court are just and inspired.

"I can do almost everything I wish. I can order the frontiers to be closed, the gates of the palace to be locked, the treasury coffers sealed indefinitely.

"But there is one thing I cannot do: make the people shut their mouths. It matters not what false things people say; the important thing is to continue to do that which I consider to be true."

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Jealousy Ruins Life..

A group of devils were trying to enter the soul of a holy man who lived near Cairo; they had already tempted him with Nubian women, Egyptian food, Libyan treasure, but nothing had worked.

One day, Satan passed and saw his servants’ efforts.

- You’re hopeless – said Satan. – You haven’t used the only technique no one can resist; I’ll teach you.

He went over to the holy man and whispered in his ear:

- Remember the priest who studied under you? He’s just been made Bishop of Alexandria.

Immediately, the holy man was filled with rage, and blasphemed against God’s injustice.

- The next time, use this temptation – said Satan to his subjects. – Men can resist almost everything, but they are always jealous of the victory of a fellow man.
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Dont Ever Question Again.

Sri Ramakrisna tells the story of a man who was about the cross a river, when master Bibhishana came over, wrote a name on a leaf, tied it to the man’s back, and said:

- Don’t be afraid. Your faith will help you walk on the waters. But the minute you lose faith, you will drown.

The man trusted Bibhishana, and began to walk on the waters, without any difficulty. At a certain point, he had an overwhelming desire to know what his master had written on the leaf tied to his back.

He took it and read what was written:

“Oh god Rama, help this man to cross the river.”

“Is that all?” thought the man. “And who is this god Rama, anyway?”

The moment this doubt became lodged in his mind, he was submerged and drowned in the strong current.
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The Cloud and The Dune...

“Everyone knows that the lives of clouds are very active, but very short,”

And that brings us to another story:

A young cloud was born in the middle of a great storm in the Mediterranean Sea. But it hardly had time to grow there; a strong wind pushed all the clouds towards Africa.

As soon as they arrived on the continent, the climate changed: a warm sun shone in the sky, and down below the golden sand of the Sahara desert spread into the distance. The wind continued to push them towards the forests in the south, since it hardly ever rains in the desert.

However, just as it is with young people, so with young clouds: this one decided to break away from its parents and older friends, to see the world.

- What are you doing? – complained the wind. – The entire desert is exactly the same! Come back to the group, and let’s go to the center of Africa, where there are beautiful mountains and trees!

But the young cloud, a rebel by nature, did not obey; little by little, it lowered its altitude, until it was able to float on a gentle, generous breeze down near the golden sands. After wandering all over the place, it noticed that one of the dunes was smiling at it.

It was because the dune was also young, recently formed by the wind which had just passed. Straight away, the cloud fell in love with its golden hair.

- Good morning – said the cloud. – What is it like living down there?

- I have the company of the other dunes, the sun, the wind, and the caravans which pass by from time to time. Sometimes it is very hot, but it is bearable. And what is living up there like?

- There is also the wind and the sun, but the advantage is, I can wander across the sky and get to know everything.

- For me life is short – said the dune. – When the wind returns from the forests, I will disappear.

- And does that make you sad?

- It gives me the impression that I am of no use to anyone.

- I feel the same way. As soon as another wind comes, I will go south and become rain; however, that’s my destiny.

The dune hesitated for a moment, before saying:

- Did you know that, down here in the desert, we call the rain Paradise?

- I didn’t know I could become something so important – said the proud cloud.

- I’ve heard several legends told by old dunes. They say that, after the rain, we are covered in herbs and flowers. But I’d never know what that is like, for in the desert it only rains very rarely.

This time it was the cloud which hesitated. But then it started to smile joyfully:

- If you like, I can cover you with rain. Although I’ve only just arrived, I am in love with you, and would like to stay here forever.

- When I first saw you up in the sky, I too fell in love – said the dune. – but if you turn your lovely white hair into rain, you will die.

- Love never dies – said the dune. – It transforms; and I want to show you Paradise.

And so it began to caress the dune with droplets; they remained together like this for a long time, until a rainbow appeared.

The next day, the small dune was covered in flowers. Other clouds passing towards central Africa, thought that must be part of the forest they were searching for, and poured down more rain. Twenty years later, the dune had become an oasis, which refreshed travelers under the shade of its trees.

And all because, one day, a loving cloud hadn’t been afraid to give up its life in the name of love.

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Real Detachment.

Real Detachment
The man who is pure of heart is bound to fulfil himself in whatever way he is taught. A worldly man seeks all his life, but is still bewildered. Detached from the senses, you are free. Attached, you are bound. When this is understood, you may live as you please.
Astavakra Gita 15:1-2
Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. They are lovingly focussed on the True One, they realise and understand themselves.
Guru Nanak
O my mind, day and night, you are always full of wishful hopes. Serve the true Guru, and your emotional attachment shall be totally burnt away; remain detached within the home of your heart.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
The essence of the way is detachment.
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.
St John of the Cross

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Work And Play....

Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.
Gautama Buddha
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you leave your work and sit at the gate of a temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
Kahlil Gibran
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.
Jalaluddin Rumi
The person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labour and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion. They hardly know which is which. They simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace in whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. To them, they are always doing both.
Zen Buddhism

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World in A Village

This statistic, which buzzes around the Internet, has be published in numerous places across the world:

If it were possible to reduce the population of the entire world to 100 inhabitants, maintaining the proportions of people which currently exist in the world, it would be made up as follows:

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 Americans (North, Central and South)
8 Africans
52 would be women
48 men
70 non-white
30 white
89 would be heterosexual
11 homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the world’s wealth
80 would dwell in inhabitable housing
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would have a computer
1 (yes, just one) would have a university degree

And consider this: if you are more healthy than sick, you are luckier than a million people who will not see next week. If you never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of prison, the agony of torture, the pain of hunger, you are luckier than 500 million of the world’s inhabitants.

If you have food in the fridge, clothes in your closet, a roof over your head, a place to sleep, then consider yourself richer than 75% of the world’s inhabitants.

If you have money in the bank, a wallet or some loose change lying around somewhere, consider yourself among those with the best quality of life in the world.
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Way To reach God

A pilgrim arrived at the village where Abu Yazid al-Bistrami lived.

- Teach me the quickest way to reach God.

Al-Bistrami answered:

- Love Him with all your strength.

- That I already do.

- Then you need to be loved by the others.

- But why?

- Because God looks at the hearts of all men. When He visits yours He will surely see the love you have for Him and He will be happy. However, if He also finds your name written with affection in the hearts of others, He will certainly pay far more attention to you.

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Way To reach God

A pilgrim arrived at the village where Abu Yazid al-Bistrami lived.

- Teach me the quickest way to reach God.

Al-Bistrami answered:

- Love Him with all your strength.

- That I already do.

- Then you need to be loved by the others.

- But why?

- Because God looks at the hearts of all men. When He visits yours He will surely see the love you have for Him and He will be happy. However, if He also finds your name written with affection in the hearts of others, He will certainly pay far more attention to you.

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The Silver Goblet

On Christmas Eve, the king invited the prime minister to join him for their usual walk together. He enjoyed seeing the decorations in the streets, but since he didn’t want his subjects to spend too much money on these just to please him, the two men always disguised themselves as traders from some far distant land.

They walked through the centre of the city, admiring the lights, the Christmas trees, the candles burning on the steps of the houses, the stalls selling gifts, and the men, women and children hurrying off to celebrate a family Christmas around a table laden with food.

On the way back, they passed through a poorer area, where the atmosphere was quite different. There were no lights, no candles, no delicious smells of food about to be served. There was hardly a soul in the street, and, as he did every year, the king remarked to the prime minister that he really must pay more attention to the poor in his kingdom. The prime minister nodded, knowing that the matter would soon be forgotten again, buried beneath the day-to-day bureaucracy of budgets to be approved and discussions with foreign dignitaries.

Suddenly, they heard music coming from one of the poorest houses. The hut was so ramshackle and the rotten wooden timbers so full of cracks, that they were able to peer through and see what was happening inside. And what they saw was utterly absurd: an old man in a wheelchair apparently crying, a shaven-headed young woman dancing, and a young man with sad eyes shaking a tambourine and singing a folk song.

‘I’m going to find out what they’re up to,’ said the king.

He knocked. The music stopped, and the young man came to the door.

‘We are merchants in search of a place to sleep. We heard the music, saw that you were still awake, and wondered if we could spend the night here.’

‘You can find shelter in a hotel in the city. We, alas, cannot help you. Despite the music, this house is full of sadness and suffering.’

‘And may we know why?’

‘It’s all because of me.’ It was the old man in the wheelchair who spoke. ‘I’ve spent my life teaching my son calligraphy, so that he could one day get a job as a palace scribe. But the years have passed and no post has ever come up. And then, last night, I had a stupid dream: an angel appeared to me and asked me to buy a silver goblet because, the angel said, the king would be coming to visit me. He would drink from the goblet and give my son a job.

‘The angel was so persuasive that I decided to do as he said. Since we have no money, my daughter-in-law went to the market this morning to sell her hair so that we could buy that goblet over there. The two of them are doing their best to get me in the Christmas spirit by singing and dancing, but it’s no use.’

The king saw the silver goblet, asked to be given a little water to quench his thirst and, before leaving, said to the family:

‘Do you know, we were talking to the prime minister only today, and he told us that an opening for a palace scribe would be announced next week.’

The old man nodded, not really believing what he was hearing, and bade farewell to the strangers. The following morning, however, a royal proclamation was read out in all the city streets; a new scribe was needed at court. On the appointed day, the audience room at the palace was packed with people eager to compete for that much-sought-after post. The prime minister entered and asked everyone there to prepare their paper and pens:

‘Here is the subject of the composition: Why is an old man weeping, a shaven-headed woman dancing, and a sad young man singing?’

A murmur of disbelief went round the room. No one knew how to tell such a story, apart, that is, from the shabbily dressed young man sitting in one corner, who smiled broadly and began to write.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Three Blocks Of Stone

An Australian legend tells of a wizard who was strolling with his three sisters when the most famous warrior of the region came up to him.

- I want to marry one of these beautiful girls – he said.

- If one of them gets married, the others are going to think they are ugly. I am looking for a tribe whose warriors can have three wives – answered the wizard as he walked away.

And for many a year he traveled all over the Australian continent but never managed to find such a tribe.

- At least one of us could have been happy – said one of the sisters when they were already old and weary from so much wandering.

- I was wrong – answered the wizard. – But now it’s too late.

And he turned the three sisters into blocks of stone.

Visitors to the Blue Mountains National Park near Sydney can see them – and understand that the happiness of one does not mean the sadness of others.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Before God

An old man sold toys in the Baghdad market. Knowing that his sight was not quite perfect, his customers sometimes paid him with fake money.

The old man discovered the ruse, but did not say anything. In his prayers he asked God to forgive those who cheated him. “Perhaps they’re short of money and want to buy presents for their children,” he said to himself.

The time passed and the old man died. Standing before the gates of Heaven, he prayed once more:

- Lord! – he said. – I am a sinner. I did many wrong things, I am no better than the false coins I was paid. Forgive me!

At that moment the gates swung open and a Voice was heard:

- Forgive what? How can I judge someone who all through his life never once passed judgment on others?
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Lion And The Cats

A lion came across a group of cats having a chat. “I’m going to devour them,” he thought.

But then an odd feeling of calm came over him. And he decided to sit down with them and pay attention to what they were saying.

- Good God! – said one of the cats, without noticing the lion’s presence. – We have prayed all afternoon! We asked for the skies to rain mice on us!

- And so far nothing has happened! – said another. – I wonder if the Lord really exists.

The skies remained mute. And the cats lost their faith.

The lion rose and went on his way, thinking: “funny how things are. I was going to kill those animals, but God stopped me. And even so, they stopped believing in divine grace. They were so worried about what was missing that they did not even notice the protection they were given.”

Never Loose faith In God.........

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You


Most Amazing Inspirational motivationals Quotes

Most Amazing Inspirational motivationals Quotes

Detachment Quotes

Posted: 27 Nov 2010 02:06 AM PST

Real Detachment
The man who is pure of heart is bound to fulfil himself in whatever way he is taught. A worldly man seeks all his life, but is still bewildered. Detached from the senses, you are free. Attached, you are bound. When this is understood, you may live as you please.
Astavakra Gita 15:1-2
Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. They are lovingly focussed on the True One, they realise and understand themselves.
Guru Nanak
O my mind, day and night, you are always full of wishful hopes. Serve the true Guru, and your emotional attachment shall be totally burnt away; remain detached within the home of your heart.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
The essence of the way is detachment.
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.
St John of the Cross

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Donate Blood Why...?? More than 100 reasons

Slogans And Quotes On Blood Donation

Slogans And Quotes On Blood Donation

Blood Donation Quotes


Donor Motivators and Donor Organisers often look for suitable slogan for their campaign. Here are some slogans collected or coined or used by them.

These slogans with suitable visuals can be converted into posters.

Slogans on Blood Donation

1 A bottle of blood saved my life. Was it yours?

2 My son is back home because you donated Blood.

3 Ma is coming back home because you gave Blood.

4 Blood donation is a friendly gesture.

5 Blood owners should be Blood Donors.

6 Blood is meant for circulation. Donate Blood.

7 Blood Donors bring Sunshine.

8 Keep Blood Bank shelves full. You may need Blood someday.

9 Someone is needing Blood somewhere.

10 Life of some patients is resting on a fraction of hope in quest of your gift of love.

11. A life in the surgeon’s hand may be yours. Donate Blood for tomorrow.

12. Observe your birthday by donating Blood.

13. Wouldn’t you have given blood if this child was yours?

14. Donate Blood – Gift life.

15. Give mankind the greatest gift. Donate blood when Blood Bank comes to your place.

16. A few drops of your Blood can help a life to bloom.

17. At 18 you grow up. At 18 you drive. At 18 you give Blood to keep

someone alive.

18. Give the gift that keeps on living. Donate Blood.

19. We need you to save life.

20. You don’t have to have a medical degree to save a life. Just a fair degree of humanity. Give Blood. Save Life.

21. Blessed are the young who can Donate Blood.

22. Blood donation will cost you nothing but it will save a life !

23. Patients need your gift of love to fight against mortal sickness.

24. Your donation of Blood today may be an investment for your future.

25. Share blood – Share life.

26. It is a joy to give Blood.

27. Tears of a mother cannot save her Child. But your Blood can.

28. Be a Blood Donor and save a life.

29. Donation of Blood means a few minutes to you but a lifetime for somebody else.

30. People can get along without teeth or hair but not without Blood.

31. Donation of Blood is harmless and safe.

32. Safe Blood starts with me.

33. You can Donate Blood 168 times between the age of 18 - 60 years.

34. Your refusal to Donate Blood may cost a life of your near and dear one.

35. A life is waiting for a bag of Blood from you.

36. Remember, today you can give your blood. Tomorrow your near and dear one may need it.

37. Every tomorrow needs a blood donor today.

38. Many things in this world can wait but transfusion of Blood to a dying patient cannot.

39. Calling Blood Donors to save life. Can you hear?

40. Give a gift of love. Your own Blood.

41. Vote for life with your Blood.

42. Be a Life Guard. Give Blood to save life.

43. Have you donated Blood? If not

— do it Now.

44. Give the gift of Blood, the gift of life.

45. For every 1000 who can Donate Blood only four do! What about you! Give Blood and gift a life.

46. Blood is meant to circulate. Pass it around.

47. If blood bank gives blood only to the blood donors, what would be the chance of those who depend on you?

48. Five minutes of your time + 350 ml. of your blood = One life saved.

49. I am a blood donor. Are you too ?

50. The finest gesture one can make is to save life by donating blood.

51. Blood donors bring a ray of hope.

52. Blood for human comes from human beings only.

53. Blood Bank cannot get Blood from stone.

54. Blood Donation would not hurt you, but it would save a life.

55. Thank you, Blood Donor. Be a regular Blood Donor.

56. Blood has no substitute as yet.

57. Anybody having a heart to respond can donate blood to save life.

58. Blood donation – a Gift of Love.

59. Do not shed blood. Donate Blood.

60. You can be a life saver without knowing swimming.

61. Have a heart. Give Blood.

62. Donate Blood so that others may live.

63. Donation of Blood makes a difference between life and death.

64. It is time to roll up your sleeve to offer your gift of love.

65. Share a little, care a little

– Donate Blood.

66. You too can have the joy of saving a man’s life by donating Blood.

67. Do you have a blood donor friend to stand by you in time of your need?

68. You too can take up the job of saving a life by just donating your blood.

69. Do you make friendship with Blood Donors?

70. Let us be blood brothers.

71. Let Blood bind us together in friendship for ever.

72. The colour of human blood is red all over the world. Anywhere you can donate your Blood.

73. It’s time to go to Blood Donation Camp.

74. Donating Blood is a social responsibility

75. The blood is red gold in time of saving a life.

76. Blessed are the young who can give back life with their blood — Donate Blood, save a life.

77. To the young and healthy it’s no loss. To sick it’s hope of life. Donate Blood to give back life.

78. Donate blood to save the dying.

79 Care, share and live by donating Blood.

80. Among flowers — the Rose.

81. Share the joy of life, give the life of a child by donating Blood.

82. I am proud, there is blood donor in my family.

83. The Blood Donor of today may be recipient of tomorrow.

84. Voluntary Blood Donors are the key to safe blood.

85. Many people pray for mountains to be moved when all they need is to climb. Donate Blood for your near and dear one.

86. Excuses never save a life. Blood donation does.

87. Smile and give, some one will smile and live.

88. Someone lives when someone gives. There is no substitute of human Blood.

89. The finest gesture one can make is to save life by donating Blood.

90. Drive carefully — otherwise you might need me — I am a Blood Donor.

91. Share the happiness of glory. There is a feeling of joy when you give the gift of Blood.

92. It will cost you nothing-it will save a life!

93. Don't be Blood thirsty: share some of it with others.

94. When anyone signs a blood donor form, he is signing a lease of life for someone else.

95. Your Blood is worth bottling!

96. You take holidays-the Blood Bank doesn't.

97. To give blood you need neither extra strength nor extra food.

98. It's a joy to give Blood.

99. A life may depend on a gesture from you. a bottle of Blood.

100. Your friends, neighbours and colleagues can become Blood Donors: recruit them and send us their names and addresses on a post-card.

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Dreams Are Not Negotiable

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Love Never Dies By natural Causes

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A Life Without a Cause is A Life Without Effect

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If Its Not Working Change

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You Can Only Live Once

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Miracles Only Happen if You Believe in Miracles

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The Wise Discusses Ideas

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Enjoy Your Magic Moment Today

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Enjoy Live You Will Not get Out alive...

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Peace And Happiness

What has peace got to do with happiness? The connection is like that between life and living. For, peace makes life worth living, and paves the way to happiness. Peace and happiness are linked so inextricably that there's no happiness without peace.

What comes first: peace or happiness? Could you be at peace if you're not happy? The answer to these questions depends on your idea of happiness...on whether you get happiness from external factors or from within.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna that no man can know happiness without peace. However, to experience peace, we need to prepare ourselves to receive it; so in a way we are responsible for making peace and happiness happen. For peace and happiness to last, both ought to spring from within, regardless of any turmoil or otherwise that is happening outside. The more you internalise your feelings of peace and happiness, the more the chances are of your reaching blissful heights. Once you are able to source peace and happiness from within, you can transcend external vicissitudes to remain ever-happy and blissful.

Reverend Ernest A Fitzgerald described happiness as a 'deep sense of inner peace' that comes when you believe that you are 'making a difference for good in the world'. Thomas Jefferson, former US president, said that "it is neither wealth nor splendour, but tranquillity and occupation, that give happiness."

From a Buddhist perspective, too, one can learn that "people inflict pain on others in the selfish pursuit of their happiness or satisfaction. Yet, true happiness comes from a sense of peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion, and elimination of ignorance, selfishness, and greed", in the words of the Dalai Lama. The Buddha said that to "enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind".

Peace is a recurring prayer in Holy Mass celebrated by Christians. The priest chants, 'Peace be with you' and the congregation replies, 'With you also'. The congregation offers each other 'The Sign of Peace'. The mass ends with a blessing by the priest, 'Go in peace, the mass is ended'.

What, then, happens to the non-believer? Is he doomed to turmoil and unhappiness? It would be presumptuous and uncharitable to draw such a conclusion. For, there's peace in the smile of a child; there's peace in the tender touch of one's's got nothing to do with God or religion, but everything to do with the state of your mind.

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Buddhist monk says that "If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work." Again, no religious strings attached to peace.

The Vedic idea of peace includes peace in all areas of life - psychological, social and environmental, for instance. The Yajur Veda declares: "Let there be peace in heaven, Let there be peace in the atmosphere, Let there be Peace on Earth... May the waters and medical herbs bring peace, May the trees give peace to all beings, May all the gods be peaceful, May the Vedas spread peace everywhere, May all other objects everywhere give us peace, And may that peace come to us and remain with us for ever."

Could there be a more sublime yet secular declaration of peace and happiness?

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Detachment Quotes

Real Detachment
The man who is pure of heart is bound to fulfil himself in whatever way he is taught. A worldly man seeks all his life, but is still bewildered. Detached from the senses, you are free. Attached, you are bound. When this is understood, you may live as you please.
Astavakra Gita 15:1-2
Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. They are lovingly focussed on the True One, they realise and understand themselves.
Guru Nanak
O my mind, day and night, you are always full of wishful hopes. Serve the true Guru, and your emotional attachment shall be totally burnt away; remain detached within the home of your heart.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
The essence of the way is detachment.
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.
St John of the Cross

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You


Real Detachment
The man who is pure of heart is bound to fulfil himself in whatever way he is taught. A worldly man seeks all his life, but is still bewildered. Detached from the senses, you are free. Attached, you are bound. When this is understood, you may live as you please.
Astavakra Gita 15:1-2
Those who conquer their minds are beings of renunciation and detachment. They are lovingly focussed on the True One, they realise and understand themselves.
Guru Nanak
O my mind, day and night, you are always full of wishful hopes. Serve the true Guru, and your emotional attachment shall be totally burnt away; remain detached within the home of your heart.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib
The essence of the way is detachment.
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.
St John of the Cross

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Addiction Quotes 7

"The secret of the whole matter is that a habit is not the mere tendency to repeat a certain act, nor is it established by the mere repetition of the act. Habit is a fixed tendency to react or respond in a certain way to a given stimulus; and the formation of habit always involves the two elements, the stimulus and the response or reaction. The indolent lad goes to school not in response to any stimulus in the school itself, but to the pressure of his father's will; when that stimulus is absent, the reaction as a matter of course does not occur."
Edward O. Sisson

"The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half."
Feodor Dostoevski

"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired."
Mortimer Caplan

"It is with our passions as it is with fire and water; they are good servants, but bad masters."
Roger L'Estrange

"Habit: The shackles of the free."
Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

"The long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables called habits, attitudes, and desires. What you do in life depends upon what you are and what you want. What you get from life depends upon how much you want it—how much you are willing to work and plan and cooperate and use your resources. The long span of the bridge of your life is supported by countless cables that you are spinning now, and that is why today is such an important day. Make the cables strong!"
L. G. Elliott

"The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken."
Samuel Johnson

"Nicotine withdrawal was very much like trying to s*** a melon. The pressure was remarkable! Seemingly an impossible task. I would break out into sweats, cough, curse, yell, and wake up periodically throughout the night from vicious nightmares. Three full weeks of endless torment without relief. The incommodiousness of it all."
Greg Evans

"Small habits well pursued betimes May reach the dignity of crimes."
Hannah More

"Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address."
Lane Olinghouse

"In one sense the whole process of development consists of the formation of habits; for knowledge itself, and the powers of thought, as well as the higher elements in the will, all depend upon the establishment of fixed ways of reacting to given stimuli. Consequently, the general laws of habituation underlie the whole of education. But the term habit is more commonly restricted to those established reactions that act with little or no participation of consciousness, or, in other words, mechanically or automatically. Such habits as these begin to form very early, and constitute a kind of supporting framework for the higher elements of character."
Edward O. Sisson

Addiction Quotes 6

"Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of."
Source Unknown

"Easy does it."
Source Unknown

"How use doth breed a habit in a man!"
William Shakespeare

"Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are."
Julius Charles Hare

"You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand."
Irene C. Kassorla

"Many of us believe that wrongs aren't wrong if it's done by nice people like ourselves."
Source Unknown

"Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time."
Mark Twain

"We are what we think; as we desire so do we become! By our thoughts, desires, and habits, we either ascend to the full divine dignity of our nature, or we descend to suffer and learn."
J. Todd Ferrier

"Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell."
Source Unknown

"We cannot, in a moment, get rid of habits of a lifetime."
Mahatma Gandhi

Addiction Quotes 5

"I feel that any form of so called psychotherapy is strongly contraindicated for addicts. The question ''Why did you start using narcotics in the first place?'' should never be asked. It is quite as irrelevant to treatment as it would be to ask a malarial patient why he went to a malarial area."
William S. Burroughs

"The weapons addiction of all our political leaders ... has the same characteristics as drug addiction. It is enormously costly, very dangerous, provokes ugly violence, and is self-perpetuating -- all on a scale far greater than drug addicton."
Howard Zinn

"To possess your soul in patience, with all the skin and some of the flesh burnt off your face and hands, is a job for a boy compared with the pains of a man who has lived pretty long in the exhilarating world that drugs or strong waters seem to create and is trying to live now in the first bald desolation created by knocking them off."
C. E. Montague

"First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you."
Rob Gilbert

"You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye."
Hunter S. Thompson

"Habits… the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction… You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction."
Juliene Berk

"Saigon was an addicted city, and we were the drug: the corruption of children, the mutilation of young men, the prostitution of women, the humiliation of the old, the division of the family, the division of the country-it had all been done in our name... The French city... had represented the opium stage of the addiction. With the Americans had begun the heroin phase."
James Fenton

"If we resist our passions, it is more because of their weakness than because of our strength."
Francois, duc de La Rochefoucauld

"Enduring habits I hate.... Yes, at the very bottom of my soul I feel grateful to all my misery and bouts of sickness and everything about me that is imperfect, because this sort of thing leaves me with a hundred backdoors through which I can escape from enduring habits."
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

"We're worn into grooves by Time—by our habits. In the end, these grooves are going to show whether we've been second rate or champions, each in his way in dispatching the affairs of every day. By choosing our habits, we determine the grooves into which Time will wear us; and these are grooves that enrich our lives and make for ease of mind, peace, happiness — achievement."
Frank B. Gilberth

Addiction Quotes 4

"Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny."
Tryon Edwards

"If an addict who has been completely cured starts smoking again he no longer experiences the discomfort of his first addiction. There exists, therefore, outside alkaloids and habit, a sense for opium, an intangible habit which lives on, despite the recasting of the organism. The dead drug leaves a ghost behind. At certain hours it haunts the house."
Jean Cocteau

"Better shun the bait than struggle in the snare."
John Dryden

"Don't do drugs because if you do drugs you'll go to prison, and drugs are really expensive in prison."
John Hardwick

"The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are so much easier to give up than bad ones."
Somerset Maugham

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."
Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld

"Not being able to govern events, I govern myself."
Michel de Montaigne

"A man’s fortune has its form given to it by his habits."
Source Unknown

"Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself."
Abraham Joshua Heschel

"It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back."
Mick Jagger

Addiction Quotes 3

"There is nothing more helpless and irresponsible than a man in the depths of an ether binge."
Hunter S. Thompson

"Treat your mind like a bad neighborhood - don't go there alone."
Source Unknown

"Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."
P. J. O'Rourke

"If addiction is judged by how long a dumb animal will sit pressing a lever to get a 'fix' of something, to its own detriment, then I would conclude that netnews is far more addictive than cocaine."
Rob Stampfli

"Whether talking about addiction, taxation [on cigarettes] or education [about smoking], there is always at the center of the conversation an essential conundrum: How come we’re selling this deadly stuff anyway?"
Anna Quindlen

"I am not addicted to nicotine. Why must I participate in your drug addiction?"
Ken Faver

"We love our habits more than our income, often more than our life."
Bertrand Russell

"For many, negative thinking is a habit, which over time, becomes an addiction... A lot of people suffer from this disease because negative thinking is addictive to each of the Big Three -- the mind, the body, and the emotions. If one doesn't get you, the others are waiting in the wings."
Peter McWilliams

"Power is the faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something. It is the vital energy to make choices and decisions. It also includes the capacity to overcome deeply embedded habits and to cultivate higher, more effective ones."
Stephen R. Covey

"Have you heard about the latest 12 step group for compulsive talkers? It's called ... On and On Anonymous."
Source Unknown

Addiction Quotes 2

"All drugs of any interest to any moderately intelligent person in America are now illegal."
Thomas Szasz

"A silly idea is current that good people do not know what temptation means. This is an obvious lie. Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is.... A man who gives in to temptation after five minutes simply does not know what it would have been like an hour later. That is why bad people, in one sense, know very little about badness. They have lived a sheltered life by always giving in."
C.S. Lewis

"All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down, provided it is the right temptation, put in the right spot."
Henry Ward Beecher

"What makes resisting temptation difficult for many people is they don't want to discourage it completely."

"He does not need opium. He has the gift of reverie."
Anais Nin

"I think psychedelics play a major part in what we do, but having said that, I feel that if somebody's going to experiment with those things they really need to educate themselves about them. People just taking the chemicals and diving in without having any kind of preparation about what they're about to experience tend to have no frame of reference, so they're missing everything flying by and all these new perspectives. It's just a waste. They reach a little bit of spiritual enlightenment, but they end up going, 'Well, now I need that drug to get back there again.' The trick is to use the drugs once to get there, and maybe spend the next ten years trying to get back there without the drug."
Maynard James Keenan

"Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others."
Jacob M. Braude

"If an addict who has been completely cured starts smoking again he no longer experiences the discomfort of his first addiction. There exists, therefore, outside alkaloids and habit, a sense for opium, an intangible habit which lives on, despite the recasting of the organism. The dead drug leaves a ghost behind. At certain hours it haunts the house."
Jean Cocteau

"Nothing makes it easier to resist temptation than a proper bringing-up, a sound set of values - and witnesses."
Franklin P. Jones

"Addiction, obesity, starvation (anorexia nervosa) are political problems, not psychiatric: each condense and expresses a contest between the individual and some other person or persons in his environment over the control of the individual’s body."
Thomas Szasz
Franklin P. Jones

Addiction Quotes 1

"Habits are first cobwebs, then cables."
Spanish proverb

"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."
Ramona L. Anderson

"A habit is a shirt made of iron."
Czech proverb

"Our sickness is between our ears."
Source Unknown

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
Frank Outlaw

"In the course of history many more people have died for their drink and their dope than have died for their religion or their country."
Aldous Huxley

"All sin tends to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is what is called damnation"
Wystan Hugh Auden

"Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism."
Carl Gustav Jung

"My case is a species of madness, only that it is a derangement of the Volition, and not of the intellectual faculties."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism."
Carl Jung


How Much To help Someone ?

The Zen master entrusted the disciple with looking after the rice patch.

In the first year the disciple took care that the necessary water was never lacking. The rice grew strong and it was a good harvest.

In the second year he had the idea of adding a little fertilizer. The rice grew fast and the harvest was bigger.

In the third year he used more fertilizer. The harvest was even bigger, but the rice came up small and had no shine to it.

“If you go on increasing the amount of fertilizer, you will have nothing of any value next year,” said the master. “You give someone strength when you give a little help. But you weaken him if you help too much.”

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The Caliph and his wife

The Arab Caliph sent for his secretary:

“Lock up my wife in the tower while I’m away,” he ordered.

“But she loves Your Majesty!”

“And I love her,” answered the Caliph. “But I respect an old traditional prover­b of ours that says “keep your dog thin and he will follow you; make him fat and he will bite you.”

The Caliph went off to war and returned six months later. On arriving, he called for his secretary and asked to see his wife.

“She has abandoned you,” was the secretary’s answer. “Your Majesty quoted a beautiful proverb before leaving but forgot another Arab saying that goes: “If your dog is tied up it will follow anybody that opens its cage”.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

pupils and Teachers

Nasrudin – the eternal character of Sufi legends – was standing on his doorstep when he saw a teacher passing by with his pupils.

“Where are you off to?” he asked.

“We’re going to pray that God puts a stop to corruption, for He always heeds the prayers of children,” answered the teacher.

“A good education would have put an end to that already. Teach the youngsters to be more responsible than their parents and uncles.”

The teacher felt offended: “What an example of lack of faith! The prayers of children can change anything!”

“God listens to all who pray. If he only listened to the prayers of children there wouldn’t be a single school in the whole country, for there is nothing they hate more than their teachers.”
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Dont Act Like a Lame Fox...

The man was walking through the forest when he saw a crippled fox.

“How does she feed herself?” he thought.

At that moment, a tiger approached with an animal in its jaws. It satisfied its hunger and left what remained for the fox.

“If God helps the fox then he will help me too”, he thought. He returned to his house, locked the door and waited for Heaven to send him food.

Nothing happened. When he was getting too weak to go out and work, an angel appeared.

- Why did you decide to imitate the lame fox? – asked the angel. – Get up, take your tools and follow the way of the tiger!

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Would anyone Know You Cheated...?

A father took his two boys to play mini-golf. At the ticket office he wanted to know the price.

- Five coins for adults, three for those over six years. Under six years entry is free.

- One of them is three, the other seven. I’ll pay for the oldest.

- You are silly – said the ticket seller. You could have saved three coins, saying that the oldest was under six; I would never have known the difference.

- That may be, but the boys would know. And they would remember the bad example for ever.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

A Little About Thanksgiving For Those who Do Not Know..

Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While it may have been religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.

It is sometimes casually referred to as Turkey Day.

In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is Columbus Day in the United States. In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

The precise historical origin of the holiday is disputed. Although Americans commonly believe that the first Thanksgiving happened in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, there is some evidence for an earlier harvest celebration by Spanish explorers in Florida during 1565. There was also a celebration two years before Plymouth (in 1619) in Virginia. There was a Thanksgiving of sorts in Newfoundland, modern-day Canada in 1578 but it was to celebrate a homecoming instead of the harvest.

Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated in Leiden, in the Netherlands. A different holiday which uses the same name is celebrated at a similar time of year in the island of Grenada.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You


7 Simple Ways To Help The Earth

1. Reducing consumption is the ultimate investment in a more beautiful future. The simplest actions, such as turning off unnecessary lamps, or not purchasing products with excessive packaging, can make a profound impact.

2. Recycling is a gift to the earth, but the process isn't always clear. If your area doesn't support a community recycling program, lobby for one. Local markets may offer bottle and can recycling, particularly in states that offer incentives in the form of deposit returns. Every effort, even when small, is valuable.

3. Sustain nature. Planting a tree, a shrub, or vegetable garden, or simply nurturing a potted plant results in the blessing of pure oxygen. The National Wildlife Federation encourages people to conserve in their own backyards by creating a natural backyard habitat that is home to wild animals as well as plants. You can even have your own garden certified as a backyard habitat.

4. The average amount of waste created by one person in one day can be measured in pounds. Organic waste such as landscaping clippings, fruit and vegetable rinds, and egg shells can be used to create a compost pile of natural fertilizer. If your neighborhood contains multiple gardens, you may be able to institute a composting program.

5. Don't be drawn in by the siren song of throwaway consumerism. Disposable products not only clutter landfills, but also end up on streets, in waterways, and on beaches. Reusable items are more durable than their disposable counterparts, and often more elegant. Compare a lovely fountain pen versus a ballpoint pen.

6. Develop your own ritual of thanking the earth. Perhaps every full moon or with the change of seasons do something special to honor her.

7. The earth is our lifeblood and there are many gestures of respect that we, in gratitude, can offer. Spread the word. Take the time to not only appreciate the multifaceted wonders of nature, but also to tell others that, with awareness and effort, those wonders will be waiting for the eager eyes of generations to come.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Fear Of Fear ..Dont Fear..

Young and old, rich and poor, man and woman - each of us exists in the shadow of fear.

From the time we first become conscious, we are plagued by fears and though our fears evolve, they never leave us. Most of us tend to make life choices based on the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of being mocked, the fear of the unknown, and the fear that we have sullied the gift of life. In many ways fear can be a comforting crutch. But while fear is a natural and necessary innate survival instinct, it can also be a hindrance that works to keep a person's soul from reaching its potential. When you live in reaction to your fears (be they big or small), that fear is in control of your life.

In Buddhism, there are two types of fear. There is the fear inspired by real dangers, and there is the fear of that which cannot harm us and that which we cannot control. This is the unhealthy fear that can make you unhappy and arrests your creativity. The latter is more like an intense worry, a doubt, or nervousness that paralyzes your desire to act.

When fear comes, there are numerous ways to soothe yourself. You may find that writing in a journal, praying, meditation, interacting with a pet, or listening to peaceful music can ease you into a less fearful and more confident state. If you find yourself overwhelmed by fear, regain control by giving yourself to the count of five to acknowledge your feelings in whatever way is comfortable, and then banish those feelings by finding a constructive solution. Another way to deal with fear is to treat it like an entity within you. Get very quiet and centered and talk to it, ask it what it wants, why is it there, what does it need? Your body has all of the answers already, you simply need to ask and then listen. You may be surprised at what you come up with if you really spend some time with this. After you have sorted through these feelings, ask the fear to leave. If you like, make a ceremony for yourself with candles releasing the fear to the universe. See the fear leaving your body and being transformed into beautiful light.

Our entire lives are mysteries and none of us know what the future will bring. The strongest weapon we possess against fear is remembering the many blessings, talents, and loved-ones we possess in the present - for those are the gifts that can keep fear at bay.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Cultivating Healthy relationship

Throughout the course of a successful marriage or long-term commitment, the two people in the relationship may shift in and out of various roles. For example, one person in the couple may support the other person going back to school. In order to do this, he or she steps into a supporting role, setting aside certain goals or aspirations in order to provide a stable base from which his or her partner can launch in a new direction. There are many gifts of learning inherent in this role—from having the opportunity to embody a nurturing stance to feeling the pleasure of seeing a loved one thrive. When our partner expands his or her horizons, ours expand, too, and we gain access to a world that would otherwise remain closed to us.

However, there is also much to be said for having a turn to be the one stepping outside the box, perhaps taking time to attend to our personal healing, spiritual pursuits, or other interests. In order to maintain balance within our relationships, it’s important that we address these issues each time one person steps into a supporting role so the other can try something new. When we are conscious about acknowledging that one person is bearing a bit more of a burden so that the other can grow, we stand a better chance of making sure the ebb and flow in the relationship remains fair and equal.

The most important part of this process is open communication in which each person has a chance to express how they feel and come to an understanding about the roles they have agreed to play and when they expect them to shift. Each time a dynamic shift occurs, a ceremony of acknowledgment can lend an air of distinction to the moment. This can be a simple dinner date or an elaborate ritual, depending upon what works best for us at the time. Perhaps the most important thing is expressing gratitude to the person in the supporting role and encouragement to the person moving in a new direction. When the flow of feeling and communication is open, a healthy closeness develops that allows each person in the relationship to have a turn at each of these important roles.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The Real Truth ...

One's true home is obtained by serving the True One.
Real Truth comes by being truthful.
By falsehood and greed, no place of rest is found,
and no place in the world hereafter is obtained.

Guru Nanak


Truth is one; only it is called by different names.
All people are seeking the same Truth...
Everyone is going towards God.
They will all realise Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face,
one must be able to love the meanest of all Creation as oneself.

M K Gandhi


Truth is one; there cannot be two.
For, two can only be One, occurring twice.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba


There is only one truth.
It is being where you are.
And where you are is where your body is.

Barry Long

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The Fawn Who Played Hooky -Truancy

The Fawn Who Played Hooky -Truancy

Once upon a time, there was a herd of forest deer. In this herd was a wise and respected teacher, cunning in the ways of deer. He taught the tricks and strategies of survival to the young fawns.

One day, his younger sister brought her son to him, to be taught what is so important for deer.

She said, “Oh brother teacher, this is my son.Please teach him the tricks and strategies of deer.”The teacher said to the fawn, “Very well, you can come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson.”

At first, the young deer came to the lessons as he was supposed to. But soon, he became more interested in playing with the other young bucks and does. He didn’t realize how dangerous it could be for a deer who learned nothing but deer games. So he started cutting classes. Soon he was playing hooky all the time.

Unfortunately, one day the fawn who played hooky stepped in a snare and was trapped.
Since he was missing, his mother worried. She went to her brother the teacher, and asked him,“My dear brother, how is my son? Have you taught your nephew the tricks and strategies of deer?”

The teacher replied, “My dear sister, your son was disobedient and unteachable. Out of respect for you, I tried my best to teach him. But he did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of deer. He played hooky! How could I possibly teach him? You are obedient and faithful, but he is not. It is useless to try to teach him.”

Later they heard the sad news. The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter. He skinned him and took the meat home to his family.

The moral is: Nothing can be learned from a teacher, by one who misses the class.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You
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